05 December 2008

And another thing or two...

Life is rich and good out here on the Pacific coast. This morning the feral cats out my office window were eating their breakfast (provided in little plastic dishes by the lovely Joselyn) while at the same time a herd of wild turkeys was about 15 feet away, watched over by a large Tom with extra wattles. Plus ravens (a neighbor feeds them) and a couple of other wild cats, some song birds, a squirrel or two, and probably deer peeking out Bambi-like from the foliage. It's a jungle out there....

Yesterday I drove to the Peter Temple sound studio in Albion CA and spent some time recording a cello part to add to Jim Thompson's song in progress "Bald Eagle." I was amazed not to sound too bad. Recordings are notorious for exposing intonation that's a bit off, or vibrato that's too fast, too wide, or not wide enough. I'm listening to the cut now, and smiling, so I have to admit I've got a nice tone and I'm not embarrassed. Mp3 version may be posted here when Jim gives his permission...

...it's fine with Jim, but I can't figure out how to post an Mp3 file here... can anyone help me figure this out?

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